
博彩网址大全学院自豪地宣布,弹弓将成为学院的新教科书和校园 Carthage College Campus Store Logo bookstore provider beginning in the 2024-25 academic year. 这种伙伴关系将为各地的火鸟带来许多新的和令人兴奋的好处, including new spirit wear options, pop-up shops, exciting brands, and more.

Most important, 博彩网址大全与Slingshot的新伙伴关系将改变博彩网址大全学生获得博彩网址大全课程教科书和其他材料的方式.

We’re excited to launch an all-new Equitable Access ProgramStarting in Fall 2024, 所有全日制博彩网址大全本科学生将能够支付每学期182美元的固定费用,以便在上课的第一天将所有所需的教科书和课程材料送到他们的宿舍房间或家中.

博彩网址大全的新公平准入计划对所有全日制本科生开放,无论专业如何, format of materials, or financial aid status.

All of your course materials — at an affordable price!


公平获取就像网飞公司的订阅:学生们一次就能收到所有的材料, predictable fee — regardless of financial aid status, academic program, learning format, or how much is required. 这些材料将以最低成本的形式提供,包括实物和数字项目, 或者学生可以选择打印升级选项,只支付少量额外费用来保护物理材料.

这张图描述了弹弓的公平入学计划是如何为博彩网址大全学生工作的. 1) ENR...


Slingshot公平准入计划为学生提供他们需要的所有课程材料,包括:手术服/个人防护装备, art supplies, scientific calculators, coursepacks, and text books. 

这张插图显示了弹弓公平准入计划中包含的项目. What's i...


Slingshot is a privately held, family-owned company headquartered in central Indiana, serving institutions ranging in size from less than 1,000 to nearly 20,000 students nationwide.

Here is what makes Slingshot different:

  • Prioritizing students’ needs. Slingshot的公平准入模式旨在解决围绕学生准备和学生成功的问题. Slingshot believes the baseline is all students, all materials, by the first day of class, at an affordable price.
  • Pioneering Equitable Access has led to significant outcomes at partner institutions. 在实施了Slingshot的公平入学计划的五所合作学校的样本中,毕业率提高了8%.
  • Commitment to innovation and exceptional service. With partners ranging from 1,000 to 20,000 students, Slingshot provides customized solutions to suit every partner’s needs.

Barnes & 在2023- 2024学年结束之前,Noble将继续成为博彩网址大全的教科书和校园书店合作伙伴. For the rest of this year, 学生和教师将继续为他们的课程采购教科书和材料.

公平获取就像Netflix的订阅:学生以一个低的价格获得所有的材料. 这些材料将以最低成本的形式提供,包括实物和数字项目, 或者学生可以选择打印升级选项,只支付少量额外费用来保护物理材料. EA指的是所有的课程材料,而不考虑经济资助状况, academic program, learning format, 或者需要多少——都包含在一个可预测的每学时费用中. All course material charges can then be paid for by financial aid, scholarships, or grants that exist on the student’s account.

选择公平入学计划的学生每学期将支付182美元的固定费用,以获得所有所需的教科书和课程材料. For most students, 公平获取计划将在四年内节省大量成本. Plus, students will be able to use their financial aid (such as grants, loans, and scholarships) to pay for their course materials, rather than needing to pay out-of-pocket.

Carthage’s partnership will begin with Slingshot for the Fall 2024 term.

For new students: All new first-year, international, 和转学的全日制本科生将在2024年秋季学期开始自动选择弹弓课程. 学生将在每学期开始时收到学生账户的账单.

For returning students: 所有全日制本科生都会自动加入公平入学计划. Should you not want to participate, 学生可以在2024年秋季注册之前选择退出工作日. Registration is April 8-12. 

If you choose to opt out, you will remain opted out for future terms, 但你可以通过在Slingshot网站的“我的帐户”页面上选择一个偏好来选择回到Slingshot. 选择退出的学生仍然可以在Slingshot网站上在线订购课程材料.

All students receive their required course materials for every course, including consumable items like art supply kits, course packs, access codes, and workbooks, through the Slingshot Equitable Access program. By default, 课程材料将是实体租赁书籍或电子书的组合,这取决于可用性.

For residential students, 课程材料会在秋季和春季学期开始前送到你的宿舍. For commuter students or students enrolled in a J-Term, 课程材料可以在校园书店领取或邮寄到您选择的地址. Digital items will be accessible via the Slingshot website. 电子邮件通知将发送当项目准备好拿起,当数字项目可供访问.

Yes, 课程材料将在每学期开始时自动提供和交付,并可在校园书店领取.

If you add a course, Slingshot将自动接收您的注册信息,并处理您需要的任何材料的新订单. An email notification will be sent as soon as the item(s) is available.

If you drop a course, 您将收到一封电子邮件通知,并在退课日期后的7个工作日内安排退还课程材料,不会受到处罚. If no action is taken for physical course materials, the student account will be billed for the full purchase price. Digital books are automatically returned for you.


如果你不想参加弹弓公平入学计划, and would rather source materials on your own, you may do so by the designated due date each term. After that, your opt-out will go into effect with your next order. 选择退出的学生仍然可以在Slingshot网站的“购买图书”标签下订购图书.

任何价值超过500美元的课程材料将在每学分费用之外收取费用. 这些课程材料的例子是护理ATI软件和专业工程硬件和软件.

In the months ahead, 我们将与学生们分享更多关于弹弓公平入学计划的信息, how to register for Fall 2024 courses, and how to obtain your needed course materials